What Episode Do Mai and Zuko Meet Again
This page is comprised of Mai'due south relationships with other characters in the world of Avatar. Mai shared a series of circuitous relationships with others, often stemming from conflicting personalities.
- "I was a rich only kid who got anything I wanted. As long as I behaved ... and sat still ... and didn't speak unless spoken. My female parent said I had to proceed out of problem. We had my dad'due south political career to think near."
- ―Mai talking about her family.[1]

Mai and her family unit.
Mai was born into one of the wealthiest families in the Fire Nation, her father, Ukano, being a prominent politician[two] who eventually became the governor of Omashu, after renamed New Ozai.[3] Growing up, her begetter was still rising amidst the ranks and therefore, the family became preoccupied with achieving college favor with the Fire Lord. As Ukano's but child for a while, Mai was expected to behave properly amongst the politicians in order to ensure her begetter's respectability was preserved. Equally a event, she was taught to keep her opinions and emotions to herself; her personal needs were always second to her parents'.[1]

Mai leaving her defeated father, taking Tom-Tom with her.
Mai eventually encountered her father again, following her breakup with Zuko during the events of the Harmony Restoration Movement. Discovering him to be the leader of the "New Ozai Society", a motility loyal to Fire Lord Ozai, whose aim was to restore him to the throne and to overthrow the "usurper", Zuko, she protested his actions. The animosity between begetter and daughter grew, as Ukano desired Mai to join him, deeming her to be a valuable asset to his organization due to her knowledge about Zuko. Nonetheless, Mai did non agree with him and was further incensed by the fact that he had included Tom-Tom in his organization. In defiance, she took Tom-Tom with her and severed her ties with her father,[4] though she kept track of his deportment and actively worked to thwart them. When she encountered him a next time, she called him and his beliefs "insane", though all the same immune him to escape. She did not say he was involved until information technology was extremely necessary and, when saying adieu to him due to his imprisioment, decided to remind his bravery for cutting ties with Azula.
Coming from a wealthy family, Mai was spoiled as long as she remained in line and her mother Michi encouraged her to indulge in their riches.[three] Finding little comfort in textile things, peckish excitement and liberty instead, Mai displayed a rebellious attitude toward her parents and eventually left home to join Azula on her quest to capture Zuko and Iroh.[one] Though estranged from her male parent, Mai reunited with her mother, who had since left her husband and taken up residence at Mura'south as well. While Michi expressed deep regret at her husband'south endangerment of their children and was content to be living with her children at Mura'due south, Mai remained indifferent.[5]
- "You brought my little brother to a place like this?"
- ―Mai confronting her begetter.[4]

Mai taking Tom-Tom with her to avoid his indoctrination.
Mai's footling brother, Tom-Tom, was born two years prior to the return of Avatar Aang. During their stay in Omashu, her family agreed to commutation the imprisoned Rex Bumi for Tom-Tom, who accidentally wound up with the Avatar's grouping when they fled Omashu. During the exchange, Mai appeared eager to go her brother back, but Princess Azula criticized that trading a powerful earthbender rex for a toddler was foolish. Subsequently because this prospect, Mai unhesitatingly allow the Avatar's grouping proceed Tom-Tom, demonstrating a draconian disregard for her babe brother.[3]
After her breakup with Zuko and during her appointment with Kei Lo, Mai ran into Tom-Tom again after beingness led to the New Ozai Society. Upon seeing her, Tom-Tom was very happy to see his sis, whom he had been missing very much. She embraced her brother and voiced anger at the fact that her father had brought him to a place where the motility was hoarding weapons for battle, exhibiting a strong sense of protectiveness over him non displayed a year before. When her male parent urged her to join the movement against Zuko, Mai collected her blood brother and fought off the loyalists who tried to capture her as she attempted to escape, and speedily defeated the entire group before she or her brother came to impairment. Later on fleeing the scene, she returned to her aunt Mura's flower shop where she worked with Tom-Tom in close company. Tom-Tom demonstrated business concern for his older sister as she sulked over a picture of herself and Zuko together.[4]
Weeks later, Mai reunited with Ty Lee and repeated her cloy of how her male parent had endangered Tom-Tom by involving him in the New Ozai Lodge rebellion. When her blood brother was kidnapped several weeks afterwards past the Kemurikage, Mai tried to salvage him, though failed. All the same, her want to protect him was greater than her anger with Zuko, as she agreed to enlist his help to rescue Tom-Tom.[5]
The warden
- "The warden's my uncle, you idiot."
- ―Mai to Zuko.[vi]
Mai appeared to have a strong relationship with the warden, her uncle. He seemed to care deeply about her state of happiness equally he was more than willing to inform her, as opposed to the Fire Lord, of Zuko's capture at the Boiling Stone, deeming it a penalisation for his abandonment.[7] In addition, the warden "pulled a few strings" for her, releasing her later on she was imprisoned there nether Azula's orders.[8] This revealed he truly cares for her, despite the fact that Mai had tarnished her uncle'due south zero-escape record at the prison, a record the warden took enormous pride in, through aiding Zuko'southward escape.[6]
- "Mai, I didn't rent y'all but because I needed the assistance. I'd also hoped that being around flowers all day would cheer you upwards. "
- ―Mura talking to Mai.[4]
Mura was a compassionate aunt toward Mai and tried to cheer her up past hiring her to work at the shop subsequently her breakup with Zuko. She expressed much excitement toward her niece when she was asked out on a engagement by Kei Lo, as when Tom-Tom tried to show his sister the flower from their aunt, Mura told him not to bother her because she believed Mai was thinking most the good time she had the dark before on her date.[four]
Love interests
- "I think it means ... I actually kind of like y'all."
- ―Mai to Zuko.[8]

Mai and Zuko.
As children of the Fire Nation royal court, Mai and Zuko were acquaintances. She harbored feelings for him as a younger child, blushing when she caught sight of him walking by.[nine] When Azula decided to make fun of their piffling crushes on each other, she invented a game that involved Azula putting an apple on Mai'due south head and lighting it on burn down. When he saw the potential danger, Zuko ran to get the apple off Mai's head, and in doing and so ended up knocking both of them into a fountain.
After the Avatar was thought dead, the princess and Ty Lee arranged a date between the 2 when Zuko voiced reluctance to return to the Fire Nation. The couple chop-chop unfolded the ruse and gear up off to explore the city. When they ran into Jin, Mai decided to play along when Zuko told Jin she was a knife thrower at the circus where they performed. During an attempt to perform the same act, Jin well-nigh hit Zuko, causing him to autumn into the fountain. She proceeded to lean over him with a smug grinning and whisper, "At present we're even." At the end of the date, the ii reminisced their childhood and shared a kiss.[ten]
Being in Zuko'south presence tended to bring out a more passionate side of Mai. Her normally pessimistic, wearisome mental attitude was overshadowed by a testify of happiness and affection when she spent fourth dimension with him.[eleven] They continued their relationship with Mai exhibiting strong feelings for Zuko and vice versa.[11] Their relationship went through a slight crude patch in the Ember Island, where the 2 broke upward temporarily during Zuko's fit of temper. They shortly got dorsum together after confessing their issues.[one] Mai was very concerned about Zuko's conflict about his father and the state of war, so she tried to make him feel more comfortable. During the invasion of the Fire Nation, Zuko left the Burn Nation to join the Avatar. He left her a note,[12] stating that he was breaking up with her.[6]

Mai against Zuko in the Boiling Rock's interrogation room.
Mai later confronted Zuko when he was imprisoned, stating that he bankrupt her eye. When the prison house guards were ordered to cut the lines of the gondola Zuko was riding to escape the Humid Rock, she intervened and aided his escape past fighting. When questioned for her actions, she replied, "Saving the jerk who dumped me." Azula, outraged at her betrayal and willingness to aid her brother, ordered her to be imprisoned.[6] After Ozai was overthrown, Mai reunited with Zuko and helped him get dressed for his coronation. She forgave him for his past deportment and confessed her feelings for him. The 2 kissed, but she hastily warned him never to "suspension up with [her] again."[8]
Mai and Zuko maintained a strong relationship well over a year after the Hundred Year War, even equally the Harmony Restoration Movement began to neglect. Afterward several failed bump-off attempts on him, including one from a would-be assassin from the colony of Yu Dao, Zuko left the Purple Urban center to face the colonists there while failing to inform her of his intentions. She feared for his prophylactic and only learned about his departure from the city soldiers, which seemed to injure her as he did not confide in his intent to go to the Earth Kingdom. She confronted Zuko nigh this when he returned, carrying sadness and concern for Zuko equally he was no longer in a balanced state of mind, prompting him to apologize for his deportment.

Mai breaking up with Zuko after he hid his visits to his male parent from her.
During his trip to Yu Dao, Mai personally asked the Kyoshi Warriors to protect Zuko from whatsoever further assassinations, feeling the Imperial Guards only weren't skilled enough to do so. She continued to comfort and support Zuko as he mulled over how to restore gild to the restless colonies. It was through this crisis that her dedication to Zuko was further emphasized, with her going to not bad lengths to protect him and demonstrating visible concern for his well-being.[xiii] Over time, however, Mai grew upset and tired with Zuko'south keeping of secrets from her, stating that he "loved [his] secrets more than [her]". After finding out through Suki about Zuko's repeated visits to his male parent, she broke up with him, leaving the Royal Palace despite Zuko stating that he loved her.[fourteen]
Despite choosing to finish their human relationship, Mai still felt some amore toward Zuko, equally she pined over a movie of her old boyfriend afterwards rescuing her brother from a meeting of the New Ozai Society.[4]

Left lone in the Dragonbone Catacombs, Zuko and Mai shared moments of tension.
She continued to protect him, using Kei Lo for information on her male parent's plans and enlisting help from her friends in the Kyoshi Warriors, though remained doubtful well-nigh their relationship. Nevertheless, Mai accepted Zuko'southward assist when the Kemurikage kidnapped Tom-Tom though remained largely afar toward him, only making offhand responses to his remarks. When the ii were left lone outside of the offset Fire Lord'south catacomb, she scolded Zuko for stating that he missed her and admitted that she did not feel as strongly about Kei Lo equally she did about Zuko, though that was as she needed it to be after Zuko bankrupt her heart twice.
After the group returned to the Fire Nation Uppercase, Mai expressed her frustration at Zuko's disregard for other's feelings to Kei Lo and realized that she was however preoccupied with Zuko's actions. Although she reminisced over her past relationship in her room and looked at a picture of her with Zuko, she promptly fix the image aside to look at one of her and Tom-Tom, prioritizing her family over her feelings.[15]
Kei Lo
Mai met Kei Lo in the weeks following her breakup with Zuko, every bit he visited her aunt'south flower shop and bought her flowers to testify his amore. Although she was indifferent to his gestures, she somewhen reluctantly agreed to go out with him on Mura's encouragement. During their date, Kei Lo amused Mai with his jokes and antics, though she denied such feelings when questioned on it. When Kei Lo brought her to a meeting of the New Ozai Society, she disarmed the entire insubordinate forcefulness present, including Kei Lo, who tried to insist his affection was genuine before being dealt a knockout punch.
In spite of this get-go encounter, Kei Lo connected to encounter Mai, who realized she could apply him to thwart her begetter'due south intentions. Meeting often in the weeks that followed, she feigned affection for Kei Lo, putting on an uncharacteristically enthusiastic facade as she pried him for information. In truth, she felt little genuine affection for him, seeing him as a "patsy" of her male parent. Even after Ty Lee monitored Kei Lo on her request and sensed no malicious intent, she refused to trust him. Due to Kei Lo's warning, Mai and Ty Lee were able to devise a decoy operation in social club to help Zuko render to the capital safely, though it failed. Although Kei Lo abandoned the Society during the battle, she rounded on him, demanding answers. He insisted that the Society knew he was meeting her and fed him faux information regarding the location of the ambush. He aided Mai as she went to confront her father, though was injured in the process. She later helped him get home, and when Kei Lo repeated his true feelings for her, she stated in a more genuine manner that she now trusted him.

When Kei Lo confessed that afterward seeking a identify to belong to for so long, he now wanted to stay with her.
A month later on, Mai questioned Kei Lo again on why he left the Society, expressing uncertainty and confusion every bit to why he would do so for her. He admitted that he wanted to find a place where he belonged due to spending much of his life as an orphan, though now that he had found her, he felt that he belonged to someone, near prompting a osculation from she though their conversation was interrupted past the arrival of assailants dressed as the Kemurikage, who abducted her brother before she or Kei Lo could stop them.[5] Mai and Kei Lo became increasingly appreciating following the incident, with the latter even calling her "babe". She allowed Kei Lo to guide her in picking the locks within the Dragonbone Catacombs, remarking how impressed she was with her young man's skills. However, she admitted to Zuko shortly thereafter that she did not experience as strongly nigh Kei Lo as she did for him, and that she allowed herself to be in a relationship with Kei Lo since she would non be heartbroken if the relationship ended. Afterward the group's return to the Fire Nation Capital, Mai used her concern over Tom-Tom equally a way to excuse her comments virtually Zuko and later on kissed Kei Lo to reassure him that she did not experience anything for the Burn down Lord.[15] The two later concluded their relationship, with Kei Lo leaving Mai's presence in tears.
Ty Lee
- "Zuko, go out her alone."
- ―Mai to Zuko, coming to Ty Lee's defense.[ane]

Mai and Ty Lee.
Ty Lee is Mai's best friend whom she met at the Royal Fire Academy for Girls every bit younger children. When younger, Ty Lee enjoyed playing pranks on her, partaking in a trick Azula devised to embarrass both Mai and Zuko, who were childhood sweethearts.[9] Despite Mai's pessimistic attitude and Ty Lee'south flightiness, which occasionally led to personality clashes between the two, the two held a common respect for each other. Ty Lee often tried to encourage Mai to exist more open and outgoing.
Ty Lee and Mai reunited years after in Omashu when Azula recruited the two to help her in her mission to capture Zuko and Iroh.[three] The two were happy to see each other and continually cooperated in battle with the Avatar and the World Kingdom Regular army.[16] When Azula was preoccupied elsewhere, Mai and Ty Lee always battled alongside each other. They proved more than a match for their enemies with their combined skills of chi-blocking and shuriken-jutsu.[17]
Ty Lee and Mai connected to enjoy each other's visitor upon returning to the Fire Nation later capturing Ba Sing Se, the Earth Kingdom capital.[18] They spent a weekend on Ember Island together along with Zuko and Azula. While vacationing there, their personalities over again clashed; however, after open confessions about their troubled lifestyles, they grew to understand each other's problems.[ane] Ty Lee accompanied Azula and Mai to the Boiling Rock prison house where Zuko and his allies were attempting an escape. Azula left him to dice in the humid lake surrounding the prison house, prompting Mai to save his life by fighting the guards. Horrified that Azula would injure Mai for her actions, Ty Lee promptly disabled the princess with her chi-blocking when the latter prepared to attack, much to Mai's surprise. They tried to escape together, but were presently arrested and imprisoned for betraying the princess.[6]
After the 2 girls were released from prison with the Hundred Yr War's determination,[8] Mai and Ty Lee maintained a potent friendship, despite not existence together all that often. Equally such, she entrusted Ty Lee and the Kyoshi Warriors with Zuko's protection following several threats made against his life[13] and tolerated being hugged by her. Mai's trust in her Ty Lee connected to be strong, as she readily enlisted her assist to gauge Kei Lo's true intentions and learn more nigh Ukano's plans for overthrowing Zuko. Their friendship was comfy plenty that they could vocalism criticism near each other, as Ty Lee berated Mai for feigning affection for Kei Lo to get him to talk, scolding her for being "fake" and dishonest, while Mai chided Ty Lee for existence what she saw as fiddling. Withal, the two continued to back up each other and made an constructive team in combat.[five]
Squad Avatar
- "I thought when Ty Lee and I finally defenseless you lot guys, it would exist more exciting."
- ―Mai to Sokka and Katara afterward Ty Lee and she defeated them.[17]

Mai and Team Avatar.
Mai was an enemy of Team Avatar throughout most of the series. After allying with Azula, she was more than than happy to engage them in combat; despite their bending skills, She was more than than a match for any member of the team, managing to defeat (an albeit slumber deprived) Katara in a matter of seconds [17] and disabling the Kyoshi Warriors.[19] Katara was the sole member of Team Avatar who managed to catch her off-guard, immobilizing Mai'southward arm in an ice encasing before Ty Lee blocked the waterbender's chi.[3] Mai took part in the autumn of Ba Sing Se, but connected to brandish a nonchalant mental attitude, not making whatever effort to forbid Sokka and Toph from rescuing the Earth Male monarch'southward pet bear.[eighteen]
Mai was imprisoned during the final weeks of the War due to her betrayal of Azula for helping Zuko abscond the Humid Stone Prison subsequently Azula left him for expressionless. In doing so, she unintentionally saved one-time enemies Sokka and Suki.[6] When she was released from prison post-obit the conclusion of the War, she fabricated peace with Team Avatar and befriended them. She joined the team at the Jasmine Dragon, where she played Pai Sho with Suki and teased Sokka over his mediocre drawing of the group.[8]
After the state of war, Mai came to value her bond with Team Avatar, enlisting Ty Lee, Suki, and the other Kyoshi Warriors to help protect Zuko later several attempts on his life.[13] When Tom-Tom was believed to be kidnapped by the Kemurikage, she warmly greeted Aang and readily accepted his help in tracking downward the perpetrators.[5]
- "You miscalculated. I beloved Zuko more than I fear you."
- ―Mai to Azula.[6]

Mai and Azula.
Mai and Princess Azula first met as children at the Royal Fire Academy for Girls and had been friends for many years. As children, Azula enjoyed teasing Mai and playing pranks on her, especially after noticing Mai's crush on her blood brother Zuko. In one incident, Azula tricked Zuko into knocking Mai into a fountain by setting fire to an apple she placed on Mai'southward caput. However, she was not harmed, being instead clearly irritated and could have potentially been injured.
Azula reunited with Mai in the occupied metropolis of Omashu and recruited her as a member of her elite team tasked with capturing Iroh and Zuko. She appeared glad to run into Azula and readily accepted the princess' request, seeing it as an opportunity to escape Omashu, which she dreaded. Prior to their deviation, her male parent, the governor, agreed to exchange Male monarch Bumi to the Earth Kingdom Resistance in render for his son Tom-Tom, who had accidentally followed Team Avatar and the Omashu civilians when they were evacuated from the city. Azula put Mai in accuse of the exchange, but was able to manipulate Mai into calling off the bargain and surrendering Tom-Tom to the enemy. She complied, an action that endangered Tom-Tom'due south life in the battle that followed.[3]
Mai openly cooperated with Azula'southward efforts to capture Zuko, Iroh, and the Avatar, and was an active participant in the capture of Ba Sing Se.[eighteen] Yet, she also displayed a lack of regard for her orders. When the Fire Nation attempted to drill through the Outer Wall of Ba Sing Se, she refused to pursue Sokka and Katara through the drill's slurry arrangement, saying that Azula could "shoot all the lightning she [wanted]" at her.[16] She refused to fight Team Avatar in Ba Sing Se out of boredom, allowing them to merely take the Earth King'due south carry Bosco abroad without whatsoever struggle.[18] Azula decided to return to the Fire Nation with her imprisoned uncle Iroh and drag Zuko forth. When he refused, Azula used Zuko and Mai'south childhood crushes on each other to convince him otherwise, arranging a dinner date between the 2. The two caught on to her scheme; however, they did eventually reunite and Zuko agreed to come up home.[10]
After the group returned home, Mai and Azula'southward relationship underwent noticeable tension. While Mai and Zuko were enjoying a romantic picnic nigh the Fire Nation Capital, Azula interrupted them in order to speak with Zuko. When they refused, Azula forced her to leave past lying that Ty Lee needed assist with her tangled braid. She complied, but gave Azula a quick, venomous glare as she passed.[xx] During the group'south stay on Ember Isle, they revealed the stories of their rough childhoods to each other. When Azula analyzed the reasons for Mai'south lack of emotions, Mai demanded the princess exit her alone.[1] Mai informed Zuko of a war meeting to which Azula was invited. Zuko was non told of this beforehand and the 2 of them became suspicious of Azula.[21]

Mai brandishing one of her stilettos at the offset of her impending fight with Azula, before the latter was disabled by Ty Lee.
Mai and Azula'southward friendship finally came to an stop during the events on the Boiling Stone. When the girls learned that Zuko had been captured at the Humid Stone, Mai, along with Azula and Ty Lee, went to the prison house to interrogate Zuko on his reasons for leaving them on the Day of Black Sun to help the Avatar. When Zuko attempted to escape with his friend Sokka and some of the prisoners, Azula and Ty Lee fought them on the gondola. The guards attempted to cut the lines above the humid lake, and so Azula left the group to dice. However, Mai witnessed this and betrayed Azula to relieve Zuko'south life by fighting the guards.[vi] She was arrested afterward where Azula proceeded to interrogate her. When asked why she aided Zuko, she stated that Azula did non know her likewise equally she previously conceived and said, "I dear Zuko more than I fright you lot." Azula became enraged and attempted to strike Mai down, who prepared to fight her with her knives. Notwithstanding, before either could strike, Ty Lee disabled Azula to save Mai, leading to the two girls' abort. Mai and Ty Lee gave Azula one last look of defiance before they were dragged into the prison.[6]
Even after the Hundred Twelvemonth State of war's decision, Mai never forgave Azula for her actions and kept referring to her as a "lunatic" while fearing the worst if the princess would ever come up dorsum for her.[five] When she encountered Azula once once again after the princess manipulated her Fire Warriors to human action equally the Kemurikage and capture children (including Mai'southward brother), the two engaged in a fight in which Azula complimented her skills notwithstanding mocked her relationships again.
Source: https://avatar.fandom.com/wiki/Mai%27s_relationships
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